certificate-Kimberley_Barr (1)
By Kimberley Barr|2020-01-18T18:18:10+00:00January 18th, 2020|Comments Off on certificate-Kimberley_Barr (1)
About the Author: Kimberley Barr
How long have you been planning destination weddings?
I have been planning Destination Weddings for over 2 years now.
Why did you choose to become a Destination Wedding Specialist?
I have always been intrigued in planning events and Destination weddings and escapes. My first one I did was mine in 2008 and I have helped so many friends and family since that to ensure they get their perfect trips. So when Romantic Planet Vacations came along it was an easy YES for me, its something I have done on the side for years for fun so I didnt have to think twice about my decision to start.
What’s your favourite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is the customer service I love being the person to find the best deals and the most unique escapes. I love the research part as well, learning about all the new attractions and accommodations and travel options that are constantly popping up with the ever changing trends in travel.
Which destination is your favourite and why?
Currently my favorite destination is Dominican Republic but I might be abit biased as I am travelling there for my 10 year wedding anniversary coming up soon. I also very much love the relaxing and harmonized feel of Hawaii and all the Islands, and I recently traveled to St. Lucia to experience the culture and loving vibe that they have there and I honestly feel in love with the people and the Island.
Do you have any quick tips for us?
Depending on the destination there are so many tips but the biggest one I tell all my brides is to go with your heart, not what everyone thinks would be best for you, you dont ever want to look back and think I really wish I had…, Always bring a great camera, Wear Sunscreen and Live in the moments dont let the stress of the day overshadow the pure excitement and joy of it all.